Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The UP and the down.

In the last weekend in June I took a weekend trip with my two favorite girls - Allison and Bridget - to Wisconsin. On Friday we decided to spend the day in Marquette, MI in the U.P. and little did we know that day would be the best weather we would have the whole time. We had planned on boating all weekend but Mother Nature had other ideas. It was OK though because any time away with friends is a good time!

On the way to Marquette, we took the scenic route. We figured any time we lost we more than made up for with our surroundings. Let me tell you, winding expanses of road lined with thick trees is much nicer than the straight paths surrounded by cornfields that I'm used to! Even though the trip took about two hours, and we had just spent about six hours in the car the night before, I think we all enjoyed it.

Once we got up to Marquette, Allison showed us around her old stomping grounds. After laying out on the beach, and attempting to swim in the below freezing waters of Lake Superior, Allison suggested we go see Black Rocks. I was up for anything so we made our way to a different part of the lake. On the way there, Allison told us that tons of people jump off Black Rocks every day and of course me and Bridget were ready to do that too! Well, I was until we got there....

The rocks weren't that high, but they were high enough to freak me out. There were a few people there already so we decided to watch a few of them first, that way if they died we knew not to do it. The first girl I saw jump came back up for air once she hit the water and her nose was bleeding! I knew that if I jumped the same thing would happen to me. The nose bleeding didn't seem to phase Bridget though. That girl has balls! She walked right up to the edge and with a quick look over she took a deep breath and jumped! She wouldn't tell me how unbearably cold the water was because she knew if she did it would take me longer to jump... which was true.

Needless to say, Bridget jumped off and climbed back up a total of three times before I finally took the leap and this was only after Allison, Bridget, and other random people on the rocks encouraging me to jump. I think my favorite bit of encouragement came from Bridget "I swear to God, Teeny, if you don't jump I'm pushing you in... because I love you." That's friends for you!

Once I hit the water I couldn't believe how cold it was! I think I scared Bridget and Allison because my face must have looked like I was dying, and just as I said, my nose began to bleed, (Bridget actually jumped back in to help me, I guess that makes up for her previous comment) but really all I wanted to do was get out of the freezing cold water! At first I couldn't get a good grip because the rocks were so slimy but eventually, like a pro (haha not!), I climbed back up the rocks feeling so proud of myself!!!

I wish it hadn't taken me so long to jump, but at least I did it! But I don't think I would do it more than once, that water was WAY too cold!!!

Thanks girls I had a blast with you!!

Click album below for more pictures:
WisconsinMichigan Trip

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