Wednesday, February 2, 2011

"I am continuing non-stop... to save my soul."

Bernard Moitessier was a French sailor. In 1968 he was competing in the Golden Globe Race, an individual around-the-world yacht race. He was nearing the end of the race and was about to win first place when he decided to change course. He wrote a note, put it in a film canister and used a slingshot to throw it onto a freighter he passed. The note said "I am continuing non-stop toward the Pacific Islands because I am happy at sea, and perhaps also to save my soul."

This may be the most beautiful story I've ever heard. Moitessier followed his instincts, ignored the expectations of others, and chose to live the rest of his life doing what he loved. I hope to have the same kind of insight in my own life.

I began this blog more than a year ago to document the adventures I was bound to have (and did have) while I was studying abroad in the spring of 2010. Well, I didn't post anything. I didn't even write in my journal while I was there. I was so happy and content and eager to experience anything and everything that I didn't take the time to slow down and reflect on where I was and what I was doing. It's been nine months since I have been stateside and I have had plenty of time to reflect now.

After a few months of post-study abroad depression and a minor crisis of what to do next now that, at 21, I had achieved my life's goals (or so I thought) I've decided that life isn't about the grand adventures but the happiness you can find in the everyday. It is a cliché but the thing about clichés is that they are usually true. I refuse to just make it through the days between the big trips I have planned. It is time I find adventure in everything and this time I will stop and reflect upon it. It's easy to appreciate your blessings when you're sitting on a crowded airplane headed to the unknown, but it takes a little more work to be content sitting on the couch sipping a cup of tea. It is here that I will take the time to appreciate the pleasures in my life, I will create my own opportunities, and embrace the adventure in everything...

I will continue non-stop to save my soul!

1 comment:

Patrick said...

You are such a good writer! I think this is just a natural talent like your musical abilities.